If you throw away your aluminium cans, they can stay in that can form for up to 500 years or more – so recycling is the way to go.
If we recycled all newspapers, we could save over 250 million trees each and every year.
Recycling one ton of plastic bottles saves the equivalent energy usage of a two-person household for one year.
Glass is 100% recyclable and can be used again and again. Glass recycling is separated into colours because glass retains its colour even after recycling.
The bottom and the sides of the landfill are covered with a two-phase liner cover in order to avoid migration of waste into the environment.
The liquids and the leachates produced at the landfill is properly collected, removed, and further treated so that it does not migrate into groundwater.
The health of the landfill is monitored daily to protect surrounding areas from odour, ensuring the landfill is ecologically sound.
The landfill gas generated upon decomposition of waste is captured to produce renewable energy.
All the disposal facilities of Wastebull are installed with permanent groundwater monitoring equipments.
Through our long-term monitoring of groundwater and leachates, we ensure that the environment is kept protected. Further, after the closure of a landfill site, the monitoring of the site continues according to strictest industry standards so that the safety of the landfill is ensured for the longest term.
Operating a network of landfills in India requires a big commitment from any waste management company. As a leader in India’s landfill operations, our cutting-edge approach to mitigate any potential adverse impacts from our landfills, ensures the communities and neighbourhoods which house those landfills are safe and secure for the long term.
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